Living Monuments: Commemorative Spaces Between Removal and Re-invention is an educational program that through artistic interaction with memorial landscapes of Germany and Ukraine seeks to enhance understanding of the politics of remembrances and promote active stance in the composition of public space and creation of more inclusive cities.
Particularly, the program focuses on the phenomenon of monument that attracts the public attention in recent years worldwide and propose to examine it as a responsive to the environments, shifting under ideological pressures, and inviting to the participatory revision. It urges the participants to deconstruct memory spaces of German and Ukrainian cities through different lenses and historical narratives and interact with them in order to experience monuments as living and open to discussion and influence in democratic societies.
With the help of texts, discussions, meetings with experts, and artistic involvement, we invite participants to take advantage of current research on post-colonial city planning, gender theory, discrimination studies and enhance their interdisciplinary competencies and re-approach the planning of commemorative spaces.
The results will be documented in the form of brochure or/and website and presented during our official participation in the der “Tag des offenen Denkmals 2018” in the spaces of neurotitan /Haus Schwarzenberg, which is a monument itself.
The program consists of two group encounters:
Kharkiv – Uzhgorod , Ukraine, 6-14 August
Berlin (including trip to Dessau), Germany, 2-10 September
Profile of the Participants: We are looking for young people residing in Germany and Ukraine (18-30 y.o) with wide range of backgrounds that might include, but not limited to, interest to memory studies, urban history, culture of remembrance, and ability to work with artistic mediums (photography, texts, performance, etc.). The interest should be proven by experience in the sphere, field of study and/or strong motivation to get acquainted with the topic and apply knowledge in the future. Importantly, the participants are expected to have a good knowledge of English, a pro-active position and be ready to take part in BOTH encounters.
Cost and Conditions: Food, accommodation, transportation in the cities and between the cities during the project are fully covered.
The participants have to pay for their way to the venues within their own countries as well as to contribute to the organizational expenses paying a participation fee – 40 Euro for young people from Ukrainian, 60 Euro from Germany. The cost of the tickets to the venues of the project (Ukraine-Berlin-Ukraine or Germany-Ukraine-Germany) will be reimbursed for foreign participants at the end of the project in the amount that does not exceed 275 Euro per round ticket per one trip.
To apply to the project please fill in the form
June 25, 23:59 the latest. In case of any questions, please, contact Galyna Sukhomud galynasukhomud (at) regarding the participation from the Ukrainian side and – Annika Hirsekorn annika.hirsekorn (at) from German.
The application period is now closed for Ukrainian participants.
Deadline for German participants extended until July 5, 23:59.
The project is realized by NGO “Cultural Geographies” (Kyiv, Ukraine) and Neurotitan /Haus Schwarzenberg (Berlin, Germany). The project is implemented within “MEET UP! German-Ukrainian Youth Encounters” program with the support of the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ).